Altar Guild

The responsibility of the Altar Guild is to prepare the Sanctuary for services. This involves cleaning/polishing communion vessels, polishing brass and plaques, washing and ironing linens, purchasing supplies and flowers. Each week Altar Guild members set out the chalice with linen, burse and veil in the appropriate liturgical colour, as well as setting out wine and wafers, communion vessels to be used at Eucharistic services and organise and arrange flowers for the Altar. They are also responsible for cleaning these items immediately after each service on Sunday. Additional responsibilities include assisting with weddings and baptisms and decorating the church for special services such as Christmas, Easter, etc.

Altar Guild members contribute their time and talent as their busy schedules permit either on a monthly rotating basis to prepare the sanctuary for worship and/or on a weekly rotating basis to set up between services on Sunday. Others dedicate their time to specific responsibilities such as organising and arranging flowers or assisting with co-ordinating wedding preparations.

New members are always welcome. If you are interested in participating in this quiet, behind-the-scenes ministry, please contact the Church Office.