Preauthorized Donation Program

What is the Pre-Authorized Donation Program?

The Anglican Diocese of New Westminster has established a Pre-Authorized Donation Program (PAD), using either automatic debit or credit card, to assist you in supporting your own parish ministry.

Why Should I Participate?

Advantages for the donor

  • Convenience. Your offering is received automatically every month;
  • Continual support of your home church when you are away;
  • Continual support of ministries and programs;
  • Changes may be made with written notification.

Advantages for the parish:

  • Regular, dependable flow of contributions to the parish;
  • Reduction of paperwork and bookkeeping; and
  • Reduction of bank overdrafts.

PAD creates a win/win situation for you and your parish. It is a very simple procedure:

When you participate in PAD, your bank or credit card account will be debited automatically on or about the 23rd of the month.  This amount will be credited to the parish’s account.

To participate in the Preauthorized Donation Program:

  1. Decide the amount of your donation to your parish to be debited from your account each month.
  2. For automatic debit fill out the form below and print it and sign it. Attach a cheque from your account marked ‘void’ and put the form in an envelope for the offering plate.
  3. If you wish to use your credit card, simply fill out the credit card information, print it and sign it. Put the form in an envelope for the offering plate.

Automatic Debit:

Please attach a voided cheque.

I hereby request and authorize the Anglican Diocese of New Westminster to withdraw from my account each month the amount of as a donation by me to my local parish.

If you wish to split your donation between various accounts please advise your parish envelope secretary.

Name and Address of Local Parish:

Holy Trinity Cathedral
514 Carnarvon Street
New Westminster, BC
V3L 1C4

Credit Card:

I wish to make my Pre-Authorized Donation by:

VISA Mastercard American Express

Card No.
Starting Date:

Signature of Donor: ___________________________________________

Who looks after the Program?

The Administration Department of the Diocese of New Westminster administers the PAD program for local parishes.

There is no minimum number of givers required for a parish to initiate the program. However, the more contributors participating in the program the more valuable and viable it is for the church.

What if I want to place something in the offering plate?

Small cards indicating you have given through the Pre-authorized Donation Program will be made available at your parish to place in the offering plate. Please note that your local parish church will issue receipts for gifts.

The work of the church in the Diocese of New Westminster is made possible through the giving hearts of its parishioners.

In response to changing lifestyles and increased demands on time and energy, the Diocese of New Westminster seeks, through PAD to assist you in your giving.

PAD may be a good choice for you…

For more information about PAD, please contact:
Sandra Stevenson
Diocese of New Westminster
Anglican Church of Canada
580 – 401 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC  V6B 5A1
Tel: 604-684-6306 ext. 212, Fax: 604-684-7017