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Council Committees

Stewardship Committee

Webster's Dictionary states stewardship is "the individual's responsibility to manage his life and property with proper regard to the rights of others". Our committee endeavours to make the parish council and the parish family aware of our individual concerns as we pursue our stewardship responsibilities in our church life. We do this by surveying and soliciting feedback from parishioners and organizing the information into six categories: worship, education, fellowship, pastoral care, outreach and capital.

An example of how we would survey would be the "Get Fit, Keep Fit" program undertaken in 2005 where we held coffee parties and talked abut our strengths, hopes, and dreams for our church. An example of how we present this material back to the parish would be the narrative budget and Vestry.

While many activities may result from our findings, we do not implement these ideas, rather we encourage the other existing committees to deal with the findings. The building committee may pursue more parking, the worship committee may adjust prayers for the people to incorporate individual requests, we may expand opportunities to meet with other Christian communities, and many more ideas gathered will be distributed through Parish Council for action. Naturally, most of these ideas require funding and the Stewardship committee will make presentations to encourage all of you to contribute to the overall fiscal needs of the church to make our Church life a reflection of the desires of our parishioners.

To make your views known on 'the life and property' of the Church please contact the following:

Rev. John Bailey

Ben Kendall

Glynn Crew

Chris Magrega

Karen Crew

Annette Martin-Falconer

Brian Dobbin

Richard MacAlpine

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