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The Trinitones

The Trinitones have been a part of the Cathedral music scene for several years now. In fact, this is the group’s fifth anniversary! Back in the fall of 2001, George and John were looking for interested musicians who would help provide the music for three special services. When these services came to an end, however, the group was having too much fun to call it quits! They had talent, they had passion and they had commitment. In fact, all they needed was a name. Thanks to the wit of Gerry Stensgaard, Holy Trinity Cathedral was now home to the aptly-named “Trinitones” (Trinity + tones = Trinitones).

Since that time, the group has provided music for more than 30 services, including their monthly contribution to the last 9:15 am service of each month. They have enjoyed working with the choir on several occasions and have been honoured to assist in both Christmas Eve and Easter morning services.

While the Trinitone’s music has always been up-beat and contemporary, you will notice that it now has even more gusto thanks to the new sound system. George has also written several arrangements that showcase the group’s unique blend of instrumentation, which includes everything from a bass guitar to a clarinet.

Over the years, the Trinitones have grown both in spirit and in numbers. We invite anyone interested in joining the group to speak to George. All that’s required is a love of music—and an ability to sight-read.

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Banner Photo: Michael Thorne