Diocese of New Westminster | Anglican Church of Canada | Favourite Links | What's New

Mission Statement

Established in 1869, Holy Trinity Cathedral (HTC) is one of the oldest Anglican parishes in the Lower Mainland. We are proud of our rich history and are committed to serving spiritual and social needs in our community with traditional worship and innovative programs. We strive to be an inclusive, welcoming, and relevant presence in a harried world, a place to come for quiet contemplation and warm fellowship. Our doors are open to anyone who wishes to join us on our journey in Christ Jesus.

The vision at the heart of our Mission Statement, "Feed my sheep" is a succinct expression of what HTC is all about. We elaborate this into four key areas:

  • We feed the soul through prayer and Worship in a beautiful and historic neo-gothic Victorian Church, which reflects our proud heritage and holds ties to Westminster Abbey.

  • We feed the People of God with compassion and healing love through Pastoral Care provided by both ordained and lay ministers.

  • We feed minds with Education through bible study and discussion groups using a variety of written and audio visual materials - and we also host a vibrant Sunday School.

  • We feed hearts through Fellowship with after-service coffee hours, pot luck suppers, pancake breakfasts, and many other social events. The members of our Youth Group enjoy a variety of activities throughout the year.

All are invited and all are welcome to come and share in God's compassionate love with us, and to build community in a tranquil setting that is in, but not of, this hectic world.

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Banner Photo: Michael Thorne